

  1. Term 4 Week 7 The Orphanage
    Their home was like a prison. The food watery, the drink thick.For light work they would clean all the toilets and wash all the floors. During the night some of them would die of the cold or the black death. The old lady who used to look after them had died of the black death so now an old, grumpy man looked after them. You could barely call it "looking after." The orphanage that they lived in was owned by a young lady who had just enough money to give it to them. I'm glad this only happened 100 years ago.

  2. Phew so am I. Things were pretty rough back then eh!!

  3. The mouse is dangling like an autumn leaf about to fall. It wants the cheese morethan anything else in the world. The string snaps, the mouse flaps, it cannot fly and it's destined to die.

  4. The mouse is dangling above the cheese like an autumn leaf about to fall. The mouse wants the cheese more than anything else in the world. Sadly, the mouse just keeps on hanging there. I wonder if he will ever get the cheese.
