Sunday 19 July 2015

Writing Prompt - Week 1 Term 3

Welcome back to school. I hope that you all had a great holiday, I did. My grandson arrived 5 days early which means I have time to help him and his mum settle into their home. So far he remains nameless. I bet none of you will guess what he will be called. Thanks to some of my lovely R7 students, I have decided to be known as...Nana G.

I have put up tasks for you to do on Math Buddies and have given you until 8am Sunday to get them completed.

Here is the writing challenge for this week...

WRITING PROMPT - Week 1 Term 3

In 100 words,  What advice would you give this young man as he starts his journey in life?

1 comment:

  1. Lost password so Kelly is writing here.
    Go to a good school. People are less likely to bully you. They will treat you nicely. Be a catholic. This means you can go to a catholic school and this means you can do RE wich is good for you. Learn to play a sport. This will get you fit. You will be able to play sport in the weekend then you will not be annoying your mum. Be kind to your Mum. Don't bully you else she will get upset and wouldn't want to give you brotheres or sisters.
